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EXT Servicing

Mojo have been in the suspension service game for a long time! As Britains first dedicated MTB service centre in the Mid 90s we have done a lot of damper services!!


EXT Storia/Arma V3 service £120 including all damper seals both sliding and static and internal wear bands. all parts checked and new sliding parts sized to perfection.


EXT's ERA fork is a premium, high end suspension product! Whilst it is possible for customers to do lowers services a full damper service should be directed to us at £120 for the full fork service with all new damper and wiper seals, foam rings and all sliding teflon bands renewed and sized. Anyone interested in doing their own lowers services at home should have a quick look at EXT's Lowers service video on their you tube Channel... Or the service manual here http://www.extremeshox.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Era_Lowers_Service_Manual_1.1.pdf on their website... Buy the EV68 lubrication oil here https://www.mojo.co.uk/ev68s-inc-plastic-pick-tool-1716-p.asp


Revalve work is usually done as part of a full service, the damper needs to be completely apart to do the work. However, if the damper is low miles and super clean we can do the revalve without changing seals, contact us on info@mojo.co.uk for more info or call on 01600 887550


EXT's premium Storia and Arma dampers can be modified to go from bike to bike. If you change your bike we can change your beloved EXT Storia V3 shock to suit your new steed!

We tend to stock all the length and travel change parts but please give us some notice so we can let you know the costs and times. Usually just a 2-3 day service it can get busy at certain times of the year.

Travel changes on same eye to eye can be done from £120, the most expensive conversions which are eyelet changes or length and travel changes can be up to £400, all conversions include full service and revalving to suit the new bike's kinematics.

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